Cubs News – March 2024

Part of our Promise says that we will ’Do Our Best’, Cubs suggested some well known people who had done their best, as well as lots of other people in everyday life. They thought how should do their own best even if things are difficult. Then came games, especially thinking about teamwork. Most things in everyday life need a team of people to make things work, such as doctor’s surgery, hospitals, schools, shops, theatres, Each Six acted out one of these to demonstrate different tasks. They played a game of blanket tennis, which could only be done in a team –each team held out a blanket to toss a ball – like giant tennis bats. Meanwhile, the Sixers (older Cubs) planned and prepared an activity for all the other Cubs to join in. & took over the next meeting. First they set up an obstacle course. They did a very good job of explaining the rules of the game & what they had to do.

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