
It takes a wide variety of adult support to run safe and fun activities for our young people.


Our “front-line” adults, we have teams of leaders aligned to each section (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts etc) who are responsible for collectively planning and running the weekly programme.

Unlike the old days, leaders do not have to be able to commit to turning up every week without fail, there is flexibility in the role to take into account individual needs and work rotas, but this only works while we have enough adults to balance the load.

There is a wide variety of training available, but all leaders are expected to have completed a minimum of 5 modules, covering the basics of how to run a safe and successful meeting, including Safeguarding, Safety, and Data Protection. Leaders are strongly encouraged to also learn First Aid.

Trustees / Executive Committee

Responsible for the “Charity” and governance side of the group, this team includes specialists in areas such as finance and administration, as well as representatives of our young people and the community within which we work. Trustees make sure that the Group is meeting its charity purpose (Scouts actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society) with an acceptable level of risk.

Trustees must meet specific government requirements and be “Fit and Proper Persons” due to our reliance on Gift Aid as a funding supplement. Other than that, there is some minimal mandatory training with the main requirement being able to ask questions. Support and training is available for new Trustees.


Without whom we wouldn’t have any young people, the parents and carers within our group are some of our greatest assets. While enabling their children to attend meetings regularly, providing transport to activities and events, finding funding for subscriptions and camp fees, and taking part in parents rota to support weekly meetings, our parents and carers are also some of our finest marketers, sharing highlights of activities and events – even if sometimes they’re not entirely sure what their kids have been getting up to apart from crawling in mud and not sleeping much.


An essential assortment of other adults from a variety of backgrounds, who might visit sections to talk about specific topics, or help with adventurous activities, training, or volunteer recruitment. They may be local, or based across the Kennet District or the West Berkshire area (our Scout County).

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How to get involved

Register interest in volunteering or join our youth programme